Make Money with NeoBux The Best PTC Ever
NeoBux: The innovation in PTC
This service is to allow advertisers to get thousands of potential customers to show their ads on NeoBux and allows users to get money for viewing this advertisement.
NeoBux users click on the advertisements and see them for the time specified by the advertiser.
After seeing the advertising, users receive a fixed amount of money on their NeoBux account.
The site is free, there is no need to pay to start earning.
- Username: You enter the user name that you chose when registering.
- Password: You enter the password you chose during registration.
- Secondary password: The first time we log in and until we choose a second password this field must be left blank. This is important .
- Verification code: Here we write the letters on the picture to confirm that we are not a bot. We verify that the details entered is correct and click "LOGIN".
What is NeoBux?
NeoBux is free worldwide service available in both English and Portuguese.This service is to allow advertisers to get thousands of potential customers to show their ads on NeoBux and allows users to get money for viewing this advertisement.
NeoBux users click on the advertisements and see them for the time specified by the advertiser.
After seeing the advertising, users receive a fixed amount of money on their NeoBux account.
The site is free, there is no need to pay to start earning.
cashout money you must have a PayPal or AlertPay account. Click here
to create one (you need one of those accounts for the registration):
To register we need to click HERE
or simply click on the Banner.
Once done we are headed here:
We need to fill in the following:
-Username: Here we have to write our "nickname" or username
- Password: Here we enter the password you want to use to identify and change options in our account
- Password confirmation:Here we enter the password again.
- Email: Here we write our e-mail. It must be real because it sends a verification-mail.
- AlertPay / PayPal e-mail: Here we put up our alertpay or paypal address. You can change it later. If you do not have either put our email address written in the previous step.
- Referer: Here we put -> gayan1st11
- Birth year: We write our year of birth. It is appropriate to write your real age, if not it can cause problems in the future.
- Image verification: Here we write the letters in the image to confirm that we are not a bot. Click "CONTINUE".
To register we need to click HERE
or simply click on the Banner.
Once done we are headed here:
We need to fill in the following:
-Username: Here we have to write our "nickname" or username
- Password: Here we enter the password you want to use to identify and change options in our account
- Password confirmation:Here we enter the password again.
- Email: Here we write our e-mail. It must be real because it sends a verification-mail.
- AlertPay / PayPal e-mail: Here we put up our alertpay or paypal address. You can change it later. If you do not have either put our email address written in the previous step.
- Referer: Here we put -> gayan1st11
- Birth year: We write our year of birth. It is appropriate to write your real age, if not it can cause problems in the future.
- Image verification: Here we write the letters in the image to confirm that we are not a bot. Click "CONTINUE".
We are directed to another page to confirm that our email address is real.(NOTE:THIS IS OLD PHOTO SHAPE)

- Validation code for: ... Here we introduce the code (copy and paste) that NeoBux has sent the mail account you got to register.
- Image verification: Here we write the letters in the image to confirm that we are not a bot. We verify that we have written it correctly and click on "FINISH REGISTRATION".
Now we have our NeoBux account and can start using it!- Image verification: Here we write the letters in the image to confirm that we are not a bot. We verify that we have written it correctly and click on "FINISH REGISTRATION".
- Username: You enter the user name that you chose when registering.
- Password: You enter the password you chose during registration.
- Secondary password: The first time we log in and until we choose a second password this field must be left blank. This is important .
- Verification code: Here we write the letters on the picture to confirm that we are not a bot. We verify that the details entered is correct and click "LOGIN".
Now check out the
NEOBUX GUIDE BY rseven >> for all infos you need to start at NeoBux.
Now check out the
NEOBUX GUIDE BY rseven >> for all infos you need to start at NeoBux.
HOW TO SUCCESS AT NEOBUX (without investment)
HOW TO SUCCESS AT NEOBUX (without investment)
This method needs some time...
Click in NeoBux everyday and go through help file and forum, give
yourself some time to understand NeoBux rules and strategy.
After 30 days of clicking, invite as much friends as you can to
join NeoBux under your ref link (You will find it at "Banners" in
your control center on NeoBux). The more refs you have the faster
you will success and earn more money. It's up to you if you cash out
money you earned or rent some refs with this money to earn even
3.2. HOW TO SUCCESS AT NEOBUX (with investment)
This method needs about 150$ to invest but you will earn money much faster...
Click in NeoBux everyday and go through help file and forum, give
yourself some time to understand NeoBux rules and strategy.
2) Use your first two rental discount wisely. If you want to success in NeoBux, below are the ideal strategy.
3) Get ready some money and rent your first 100 refs (Make sure you select the 100 refs package)
4) After 7 days, another 100 refs. Immediately after that, go Golden Member!
Continue to rent, do not look at the money you had invest (but you
can keep record of that), your objective now is to get 500 rented
6) Once you had 500 rented ref, take a pause. If you still have balance in budget, go to 750. Or else, stop!
Make sure the day you have your first ref, you must click everyday
as well as maintain your ref (Recycle, renew all below 20 days).
Some facts you should know:
1. NeoBux won't make you rich in 2 days
2. It will take some time to get real success at NeoBux
3. You don't need any investment to start there...
4. ...but with some investment it will go much faster
5. After some weeks you can easily earn 100$+ per month
6. Some guys on NeoBux are earning 2000$+ per month
8. NeoBux is the easiest way to make money online
9. NeoBux always pays you in less than 1 second
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