Mahjongg is a game popularly played by four people and is believed to have originated from China. Most people relate the word 'mahjongg to mahjongg solitaire. However, they are two different things. Unlike Mahjongg solitaire, the four players have to use one hundred and thirty six tiles to play. The game is basically made of Chinese symbols although it has some variations, more especially when it comes to titles.
In most of these variations, players start with thirteen tiles. A player should then draw and discard these tiles to complete the legal hand. Afterwards, one should use the fourteenth drawn tile to build two groups hence creating a pair. As expected, every game has its own rules and mahjongg is no different. Nevertheless, a player is allowed to steal a piece from his/her opponent which makes the game much interesting. It involves dealing using basics and honours, among other things including melds. How one scores varies because it depends on how one abides by the rules.
Recently, it has been realized that players from different regions play mahjongg differently. Most organizations have taken advantage of the popularity and are hosting tournaments as well as exhibition games to attract more people to play the game. It is more popular in Asia and Western countries. Some years back mahjongg was acclaimed as being the best and most played table game in Japan. Today, thanks to the advancements in technology, mahjongg machines allow players to connect and play with other players from across the globe via the internet. It was also realized that mahjongg culture is now embedded within the Chinese community to a large extent. Today, even artists have realized that the way of gaining popularity is by making mahjongg their lead themes. Even though this game is popular, most people, especially designers' still think that it is not and that is why they regularly organize campaigns to raise the games popularity.
Interestingly, specialists and more especially medical experts recommend mahjongg especially to those who are suffering from cognitive memory challenges. This is due to the fact that they have realized that this game impacts positively on various health issues. Did you know that doctors have now invented mahjongg therapy for patients with cognitive difficulties Well, it's true. In some countries, and more especially the Western countries, the game is played just like the card games. It is believed that it consists of more variations than poker. However, irrespective of the variations, they still have the same rules although in some regions players prefer eliminating one or two of the rules.
Mahjongg game has grown in popularity over the recent past. To find out more about Mahjongg game, please go here. Basically, the popularity of the game is attributed to the interest they generate. More information on the game can be found here.
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