Saturday, May 19, 2012

MW3 Guide - Best Perks For Your Class!

MW3 perks matter a lot for any class in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Depending on the combination of perks that you choose, you can build a much proficient MW3 class for a specific purpose, for a specific type of battle environment. So, here's a short MW3 guide for adding the right perks to three types of classes in this game.

Perks for the SMG Class

As an SMG wielder you should be running around a lot, focusing on close quarters combat. Therefore, since the gameplay of this class involves a lot of movement, Extreme Conditioning is necessary, as a Tier 1 perk. This perk allows you to sprint for twice as long, and its pro level also allows you to pass over obstacles more quickly.

As a second perk for this class there are actually three viable choices that you can make:
Quickdraw or Quickdraw Pro, for faster aim down the sight. Although this perk works best with LMGs, you can make good use of it as an SMG user. Plus, it is unlocked early, at level 4.
Assassin or Assassin Pro, because it's always best to be undetected by air support. Of course, you should then use a silencer as well.
Overkill or Overkill Pro, which will turn your character into an awesome dual-wielder. This way you can even diversify your gameplay using in one hand and SMG and in the other an assault rifle. However, it takes a while until you unlock this perk. You only become eligible for it at level 47. Many players consider this perk useless, and that you're much better with one weapon than two. I think that wielding two weapons is awesome. Whenever I use this perk, I feel like: "I'm here to kick ass and chew bubble gum!".
And the last point in this MW3 guide regarding the SMG class is the T3 perk. A great choice is Steady Aim or Steady Aim Pro, which will improve your hip-fire accuracy, and should be very useful for the rushing type of gameplay.

Perks for the LMG Class

As perk 1 for a class based on an LMG use should be, without question, Sleight of Hand or Sleight of Hand Pro. Reloading a light machine gun takes forever. This perk will cut off 50% of the reloading time. Plus, it is unlocked at level 4 which is just convenient.

From the Tier 2 perks, Quickdraw is not a bad choice. Quick-scoping is very useful when using this type of heavy weapon, and will improve your aim and accuracy.

As a T3 perk Steady Aim should do just fine. You'll be needing that hip-fire accuracy when other players pop in front of you.

Perks for the Assault Class

The last class that I'm going to cover in this short MW3 guide regarding perks, is the assault rifle wielder. Using an assault rifle you won't be moving around a lot, and it's always best to keep a low profile. I've always played this class trying to be as stealthy as possible, so I would go for:

Tier 1: Blind Eye Pro, to be invisible and more effective against enemy air support.

Tier 2: Assassin Pro, to increase your stealth.

Tier 3: Marksman Pro, to benefit from a better eye over your enemy and for a better aim when using a scope.

I hope this short MW3 guide helps.

Anyway, if you want to become a top player in the shortest time possible, you should learn all the devious tricks of the pro players.

View the original article here