Diablo 3 real money auction house(RMAH) has been on-line in America, the RMAH is limited to North American servers and North America registered account, the role of the expert mode can not use RMAH to support the currency dollar, Australian dollar and the Mexican peso. Auction by cash, players can buy and sell the booty found in the game, and third-party certified means of payment services or battle net balance account for cash transactions.
The RMAH in Europe and the Americas, other currencies in the region (intelligence peso, Argentine peso and ?????) will later open. We are separated from the expansion of RMAH to ensure that all players can have the most smooth and good experience. We will make an announcement when the auction on-line in Europe and other currencies in the Americas.
To access the RMAH, the auction button, click the role to choose the left side of the screen and then auction button to display the top right corner of the line interface is the currency of your area. This button can switch players with gold coins and RMAH. Latin American players will be able to choose through the U.S. dollar, Australian dollar and Mexican peso transactions.
Before you use, please bear in mind some important tips:
Regional auction house and global play
Players can only access their own region (the Americas and Europe limited to) the RMAH, the role players in the outside areas of their countries will not be able to buy, sell or use any items from the RMAH. Areas of their countries and which you can access the RMAH is determined by the Battle.net account registration area. By default, the war net will automatically select the most suitable for your RMAH, but the players of the region can also visit their areas supported by other currencies, RMAH.
Account the security needs of
We would like to remind the players some important information on account security, if you want to access the RMAH you need to do the following:
If the players want to buy and sell items with the balance of the war net will need to bind an entity battle network security for a Battle.net order or battle net phone certification application (available through the Play, the Google, iTunes, and Blackberry download). Special Note, Safety Order is a battle net account management for the Battle.net account recharge, or choose battle net balance of accounts for income necessary safety certification means.
To use the PayPal (available in some areas) to purchase goods or to earn income, players must register battle net SMS reminders protection services. Battle net SMS prompt to protect, you will receive an SMS prompt, this information includes the necessary security codes you want to earn money via PayPal transfer behavior.
Even if you do not intend to use the RMAH, we still recommend that the binding of additional security measures to protect each player for a Battle.net.
RMAH is currently only supports the equipment types of transactions (eg, weapons, armor and other equipment) - we will support commodity trading as soon as possible. As previously said, we want to ensure that the process of the sale of goods can be fast, stable and reliable. Relevant groups are stepping up work, we will release announcement on-line commodity trading capabilities.
Goods delivery and purchase of processing
Some cases, players may need to wait some time to Finish tab to see before they buy in the RMAH of goods or commodities. Although we expect most of the RMAH purchase are instantly delivered to the hands of the buyer, under certain circumstances, we may need to manage the transfer leaving the goods delivery postponed. Delay in delivery of goods will be displayed as processing until the end of the audit.
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