SWTOR classes, the character classes in Star Wars The Old Republic are very diverse indeed, basically you have light and dark side with a character class from both sides which perform mostly the same as each other, For example, from the light side you have the "Jedi" who is used as either hand to hand dps or tank. On the dark side you have the "Sith Warrior" who is also for hand to hand dps or tank. An other example is the "Trooper" on the light side, they can be healer or ranged dps as they carry heavy weapons and have the option to select a "Medic" talent tree, and on the dark side you have the "Bounty Hunter" who has similar options.
SWTOR classes, whichever one you choose all have differing "stats" or "statistics", these are your characters physical attributes, all characters have the same stats but some are vital and some are completely useless, for example the "Sith Warrior" and "Jedi" classes both wield melee weapons and so need their "strength" stat to be high, because common sense says that if you have a higher strength you can swing that weapon harder to inflict more damage to your foes, where as the "Trooper" and "Bounty Hunter" don't swing a weapon and so don't need to improve their "strength" stat. SWTOR characters have another stat called "aim" and this is for characters who shoot any kind of gun, "aim" improves the damage done to enemies.
Your characters have many more stats, depending on their class, that need to be improved. Your characters gear is the way to do this, each piece of gear you pick up along the way, some examples: helms, belts, boots, armour, weapons etc will display a few random stats and the number by which they improve that stat, example you may find a belt that is heavy armour 32 and has "aim" 16 and "strength" 4. this means if your character wears heavy armour they can wear this and if they do their "strength" will be raised by 4 and their "aim" by 16.
This can all get VERY confusing because if your character wears the wrong gear you may boost the wrong stats and your character will be under powered and will not perform well, if this happens and you go out on a raid other players may get annoyed at you for not performing well which could lead to the entire party failing at the raid and all getting wiped because you, as the healer, tank or whatever role you are playing cannot do your job properly and wastes everybodies time.
To cut all the confusion and to build a TRULY powerful character you need to invest in a SWTOR guide, all the information I discussed in this article and much, much more will all be there for you to help you any time you need it.
ALL the great players out there invested in a SWTOR guide, all those great players you see in game with all the best mounts and gear who are the envy of everyone learned how to get them this way.
So, if you want to create a MASSIVLY POWERFUL character with all the best gear, impresive mounts, and heaps and heaps of SWTOR money, you need to get a hold of the SWTOR guide. With this in hand you won't need to blindly bumble around the game hoping what you are doing is right, you won't need to look like a complete noob by trying to ask other players what to do. You will have ALL the info you need right in front of you so you can venture forth with complete confidence, anytime you get stuck just pull out your SWTOR guide, look it up and keep on going.
No longer will you look at those mighty characters in game and wonder "how did they get that", you will be able to look it up and BECOME ONE OF THOSE CHARACTERS!!! Go to SWTOR-HELP.COM to get your copy.
Anyway good gaming and have fun out there, see you at level 50.
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