Modern Warfare 3 Assault Strike Packages rewards - Gives you kill streaks that aids you to kill more people. The kill streak counter is reset every time you die.
A 3 kill streak reward.
Calls in and periodically scan enemies that do not have Assassin perk or inside a scrambler.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Care Package - A 4 kill streak reward.
Gives you a smoke grenade that calls in a helicopter bring a care package.
Care package can contain any Assault or Support kill streak rewards.
IMS - A 5 kill reward.
Deploy a grenade sentry that has 4 rounds. It is very accurate and will kill most enemy that enters its range. The only way to be safe from an IMS trigger is to have Stalker pro and immediately duck behind a wall or large objects. Can be affected Concussion and Flash Grenades. Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Predator Missile - A 5 streak reward.
Takes control of an Air to Ground missile. You can control the path of the missile to guide it to the enemy. You can accelerate the missile by hitting your fire button. However, accelerating missile is harder to control and can make you miss. EMP effects covers targeting map but you can still shoot it.
Sentry Gun - A 5 reward.
Drop a turret that will automatically shoot any enemies in front it.
Can be affected Concussion and Flash Grenades.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Precision Airstrike - A 6 streak reward.
Targets an area to call in airstrikes. Three jets will do a bomb run at the designated point.
Attack Helicopter - A 7 reward.
Calls in a helicopter that will move around the map randomly and shoots enemies.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Safe Run - A 9 kill streak reward.
Calls in 5 helicopters that travels in a straight line and back, shooting any enemies they encounter on their flight path. Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
AH-6 Overwatch - A 9 reward.
Calls in an AH-6 that will follow you around and cover your back.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Reaper - A 9 kill streak reward.
Calls in a circling Reaper drone that shoots guided Air to Ground missiles. Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Assault Drone - A 10 streak reward.
Take control of a medium armored vehicle that is equipped with a machine gun and rocket launcher.
Can be affected Concussion and Flash Grenades.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
AC-130 - A 12 kill streak reward.
Take control of a circling AC-130. It is equipped with missiles launcher, cannons and heavy machine guns. Each weapon has a cooldown so it cannot be spammed. Players have to cycle though the weapons to maximize their damage output. Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Pave Low - A 12 streak reward.
Calls in a Pave Low into the battlefield. Pave Low is an armored attack helicopter that can take a lot of punishments.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Juggernaut - A 15 kill streak reward.
When you take the Juggernaut care package, your primary gun will be replaced by a light machine gun and your secondary will be replaced by machine pistols. You will also receive an armor that reduces incoming damage.
Osprey Gunner - A 17 streak reward.
You take control of the gunner in an Osprey. You fly around the battlefield while shooting people with your heavy machine gun.
Can be destroyed EMP or shot down.
Unlocking the last Modern Warfare 3 Assault Strike Package reward, Osprey Gunner, in a game is probably one of the hardest thing to accomplish due to assault kill streak being reset at every death.
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