Sunday, May 27, 2012

Death Knight PvP Guide

The Death Knight is a pretty spectacular melee class. It has the DoT(damage over time) talent build, which is Unholy, the Frost talent build, which is Burst, and the Blood talent build, which is for Tanking.

The unholy spec brings some new opportunities to life in World Of Warcraft. It's like mixing a warlock with a warrior, and if you play it right and use your cooldowns at the right times, you are what many would consider an overpowered class. You have to make sure that your DoTs are always up on the target you are nuking. An unholy deathknight in the Arena might want to save Death Grip for when a target has used a defensive ability like Blink or Trinket+Sprint, well, that applies for all death knight builds actually. The same goes for saving your strangulate onto the opponent team's healer as well. Mind freeze can be used on any target, if you're nuking a caster DPSer, then go ahead and use Mind freeze as you see fitting on him. Though if the healer is close, that's always a good opportunity for a focus mind freeze! You have alot of cooldowns as an unholy death knight, and they're actually pretty hard to use effectively. But with practice you'll learn how to better time them so that they are used together. In order to nuke someone down as an unholy death knight, you pretty much rely on using all your cooldowns at the same time.

A frost death knight relies on burst, and burst is pretty easy to interrupt or be in the way of. That's why you want to make sure that it'll be hard for the person you're nuking to stop your damage or to simply survive it. In arenas or BGs, try to use your offensive cooldowns at the same time as you see other(s) using theirs. I know, Pillar of Frost is a one minute cooldown. You should still use it together with your other offensive abilities, it's not worth it using them individually unless you're really just looking for pressure and not to land a kill.

A blood death knight is any DPSers worst nightmare to face 1 on 1, but sadly not so effective in the Arenas anymore. They do great as flag carriers in Battlegrounds, but their damage isn't something to brag about. Most decent 3v3 teams are able to win against any setup with a blood death knight. But really, they are hilarious in random Battlegrounds. I've always had a blood off-spec for whenever I want to dominate the BGs.

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